Questions and Answers
Is it true that formulated animal diets frequently contain toxins that can lead to major health problems?
Yes, that’s right. Even in even the most conscientiously harvested grain, hay, silage, etc. fungal contamination can occur that significantly affects the animals health and hence production, feed conversion and fertility. Here one has to distinguish between molds that grow on the food plants and those that develop due to faulty storage and excessive moisture content. Depending on the amount and type of mold this can lead to immune suppression, internal bleeding, liver damage, diarrhea, increases in cell counts, damage of the nervous system, lung and / or kidney damage, and last but not least to significant disorders in fertility, as some fungal toxins have a great similarity to the hormone estrogen. A continuous, uncontrolled supply of a hormone-like substance causes problems such as sterility, cysts, infertility and vaginal discharge.
Furthermore, heavy metals and other toxic substances (toxins) caused by pollution and fertilizers put strain on the body systems. Incorrect feed rations and frequent changes in diet lead – particularly in cattle – lead to a large accumulation of pollutants in the rumen. This leads to fluctuations in the rumen flora and in consequence to a sharp rise in incorrect fermentation products, thus leading to free radicals in the intestine.
Is it true that a poor diet or a diet that is low in fibre can also lead to health problems?
Yes, that’s right. This problem is becoming more common, irrespectively of the species. Many horses, cattle and pigs are fed without straw. Hay, if given at all, is derived from very early hay cuts and therefore does not contain enough raw fiber. Ultimately, also dog food lacks the necessary natural structure, such as tendons and joints. The result is a sluggishness of the digestive system in all animals – the stomach and intestines do not have to work, the food is digested too easy. The consequences are hyperacidity, poor fermentation and the production of harmful substances in the digestive tract.
What exactly is the danger of toxins?
Toxins ingested through food, especially fungal toxins enter the bloodstream through the digestive system – as nutrients do – and are stored in the fat depots. Up to this point the organism is not usually harmed, as especially the intestine of cattle and pigs can handle a certain degree of fungal content in the food quite well. However, if the animals are then exposed to stressful situations, these deposited toxins are flushed from the adipose tissue into the bloodstream and distributed in the whole body. Susceptible organs such as the udder / mammary glands, mouth or ovaries are then damaged as their molecular boundary layer is destroyed!
What kind of diseases could that be for example?
In immune deficiency, liver metabolic disorders, sterility problems, chronically elevated cell count, laminitis, summer eczema and other skin diseases and diarrhea, one should immediately consider elevated toxin levels as a possible cause.
Is medication available for this seemingly inevitable poisoning?
Conventional drugs are usually designed more or less specifically to ease the disease symptoms. In the short term this obviously helps and sometimes is absolutely life-saving or organ-preserving. Nevertheless, the root of the problem, the low grade poisoning, is not sought or resolved, as if often the case in conventional medicine. As a result, the animal will – in the medium to long term – again suffer from health problems.
What can one do? Or is one powerless?
The recovery of the animal usually involves a change of diet or a food supplement with high-quality, reabsorbing substances. When simultaneously supported by adequate application of herbs, the results are very satisfactory. Through these measures the animal’s self healing power – the by far strongest helper of all – gets stimulated which helps the animal to better deal with its environment.
How does one channel out the poisons and thus stimulate the self healing process?
Fortunately, in recent years, science has discovered a completely natural remedy that – free of negative side effects – reliably and quickly binds and adsorbs toxins in the digestive tract, which can then be easily excreted through the feces.
What is this remedy? Is it really not a drug?
The basis of this wonderful remedy is natural, activated clay – the bentonite montmorillonite – which is a compound aluminum silicate. Its microstructure identifies fine layers which bind water, metabolism molecules and other molecules between them. It is a highly effective adsorbant for inflammatory products, metabolic waste, fungal toxins and free radicals. These faulty fermentation- and inflammation- products as well as contaminants simply get excreted through the feces without harming the organism. It is an important component of all MOMO-AKTIV products.
A feed supplement can have such an effect?
MOMO-AKTIV has the characteristics of being a highly effective adsorbent for both polar and non-polar mycotoxins due to its high content of active bentonite montmorillonite. Once these toxins are fixed on the high surface area-active clay, and can then no longer be absorbed by the intestine, but are excreted through the feces instead. The enormous surface area of the mineral molecules also provides a very good water-binding capacity, which can be of great benefit in cases of acute and chronic diarrhea. The selected herbs in MOMO AKTIV DIGEST support this characteristic with their own means making the product invaluable in both the acute phase as well as prophylactically. The point must be made that this product is very beneficial in all forms of juvenile diahrrea. Please read the case studies for further information!
Re-housing prophylaxis – can MOMO-AKTIV help here?
Yes. All young animals are very sensitive to re-housing / diet change and often cannot cope with both the transport stress, as well as with the social stress, namely the integration into a new, often large group. In many cases animals that are new in the stable often initially suffer from fever, pneumonia, diarrhea or ring worm and have to be treated with antibiotics. The preventive use of MOMO-AKTIV BALANCE brings very good results and drastically reduces the need to use antibiotics. However, if necessary, the drugs work better in combination with MOMO-AKTIV and repeat treatments are less frequently required.
Why is such an effective remedy a feed supplement and not a drug?
Bentonite montmorillonite is registered in the EU as a feed additive. It can therefore be mixed into mineral or feed supplements, such as MOMO-AKTIV, or be blended into finished rations.
Is it true that when simply added to the feed, MOMO-AKTIV binds possible hidden environmental- and fungal- toxins onto its surface structure?
Bentonite montmorillonite which is contained in MOMO-AKTIV is a compound aluminum silicate. As the name implies, it consists of micro fine, superimposed layers, between which both water and toxin molecules are stored. This way the toxins can be transported out of the body through the intestinal tract.
How to apply MOMO-AKTIV?
MOMO-AKTIV needs to be mixed into the feed in accordance to species and age group. In dairy calves it can be mixed into the milk and – if needed – can be administered with colostrum.
MOMO-AKTIV is a powder which is mixed dry to the feed?
It can be mixed into the dry cereals, into feed premixes or in cattle farms into the TMR. In the case of calves, it can be mixed into the milk. In this case it is important that it is mixed, immediately before administration to avoid a reaction with the liquid as bentonite montmorillonites aim is to absorb liquid and toxins in the intestine and not in the milk pail.
Are there any adverse side effects?
Unwanted side effects are not known. It should be noted though, that feeding errors such as excessive feed rations, lack of fibre lenght in the rations, incorrectly assembled rations, lack of straw, too little hay for horses, to high concentrate rations, and likewise cannot be diminished by simply administering MOMO-AKTIV.
Can one overdose MOMO-AKTIV?
This is hardly possible as the rock powder is very finely ground and not very palatable, consequently animals would not chose to eat large quantities of it. Experiments with less active rock powder have shown they also have beneficial effects, but animals would refuse to eat the needed 400-800 g per day. Due to extremely high biological effectiveness of MOMO-AKTIV much lower doses are necessary.
How long does one have to administer MOMO-AKTIV? As a course or permanently?
That depends on the issue of the particular farm. If you want to increase the motivation and stress resistance of your horse during the competing season, MOMO AKTIV should be fed throughout the season. If you want to improve the feed conversion and average daily weight gain, continuous administration during the whole fattening period will be very useful.
If you have a temporary problem in the stable, a course-like application period of 4-6 weeks is probably sufficient.
MOMO-AKTIV comes in different varieties, enriched with Indian and European herbs. What is the effect of it?
The developers of MOMO-AKTIV have for years used both activated compound aluminum silicates and herbs of various origins in their veterinary practice. Especially with specific health problems, the combined use has proven to be extremely effective. Hence, the idea was born to offer instant mixes based on years of operational experience in the various fields.
MOMO-AKTIV offers a dual effect? Detoxification as well as active support of the body through a specific combination of herbs and active substances?
For many of the common chronic problems of our animals the aspect of detoxification /body cleansing is just as important as targeted support for specific organ systems by properly selected and adequately dosed herbal mixtures.
Where can I get veterinary assistance for professional use? Whom can I contact for a medical inventory and diagnosis of my animals?
If your animals encounter any serious health problems, we offer a special service at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Your questions are addressed directly to Dr. Herout. She will help you to choose the right product or arrange a visit.
Are there comparable products on the market?
No. Our products are characterized by a more than 50% content of activated bentonite montmorillonite, which guarantees very high absorption of the mix. The combination of Indian and European herbs is unique and therefore not available on the market.
Where can I get MOMO-AKTIV? Only from the veterinarian or can one also order directly?
You can get all MOMO-AKTIV preparations from every Austrian veterinarian. Another option is to contact us in our office for direct shipping. This is especially useful if you have any technical questions. As a third option we offer our online store where you can order all our products directly. We will gladly give you contact information of our distribution partners in Europe upon request.
In what units can MOMO-AKTIV be bought and what is the approximate consumption?
All MOMO-AKTIV products are available in either 2-kg or 10-kg bags. Furthermore, all products of the MOMO-AKTIV AGRAR line can be supplied in 15-kg bag for bulk buyers. In this case please ask us directly for a detailed offer. The right dosage may be found on the packaging as well as in the detailed product description on our website.
I want to get my horse as healthy as possible. Would MOMO-AKTIV be the “fountain of youth” that I’ve been looking for a long time?
Yes, all MOMO-AKTIV products support your horse from within. Each animal is more comfortable with lower toxin levels. Nowadys, detoxification and body cleansing is not only a big issue for ourselves, but also for our animals.
I compete in tournaments with my horse. Can I use MOMO-AKTIV?
Basically all herbal administrations to sport horses can be classified as DOPING by the FEI, we recommend stopping the administration of MOMO-AKTIV Products a week before the tournament.
Does MOMO-AKTIV also support the general mineral needs of my horse?
MOMO-AKTIV supports the mineral requirements of your horse, but does not entirely cover it. Nevertheless, MOMO-AKTIV improves the absorption of all mineral mixtures, also those contained in fortified concentrates.